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Tennessee Residential Lease Agreement | PDF

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A Tennessee residential lease agreement is a fillable template to be used by a landlord and tenant to enter into a binding contract for the use of a property. The standard term is one (1) year, but it can be any length as agreed upon and specified by the parties involved. It is customary that before a contract is authorized, the landlord checks the tenant’s credit and background through the use of the rental application. This way, the landlord will know if the person is qualified to handle the monthly payment and see the risk factors of an eviction in the future.

Table of Contents

Forms (2)


Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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Tennessee Association of Realtors Lease Agreement

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Security Deposit Laws

Maximum Amount ($) – The State does not restrict the amount a landlord can charge.

Returning – Within a reasonable amount of time after a tenant moves out, the landlord must deliver to them a notice reporting the amount they are owed along with a description of any deductions. The landlord may keep the remaining deposit if the tenant does not respond to the notice within sixty (60) days (§ 66-28-301(f)).

Required Disclosures

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – If the housing unit was built prior to 1978, the tenant must receive and sign the lead paint disclosure form. After it has been authorized, it must be attached to the lease agreement.

Landlord/Agent Disclosure – The tenant must receive a disclosure containing the names and addresses of the property manager and the individual authorized to accept legal notices and demands (§ 66-28-302).

Landlord Access Disclosure – Any landlord wishing to show a dwelling to prospective renters may do so within the final thirty (30) days of tenancy. However, this right is only available if the landlord discloses the information to the tenant in the rental agreement (§ 66-28-403(e)(5)).

Rent Grace Period

Tennessee law allows renters five (5) days to pay rent after it is due without incurring late fees. If the final day of the five (5) day period lands on a Sunday or legal holiday, the renter may wait until the following business day to pay the full amount.

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