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Nevada Month-to-Month Rental Agreement | PDF – MS Word

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A Nevada month-to-month rental agreement is a short-term real estate contract that renews every month as long rent is paid by the lessee. There is no end date to the agreement, and it may only terminate upon explicit notice from one of the parties to the other. There usually is no credit check, as long as at the lease signing, the security deposit and first (1st) month’s rent are paid.

If the housing unit on the property was contracted prior to 1978, then the landlord is required to attach the lead paint disclosure form to this agreement.

Minimum Termination Notice

Both the tenant and the landlord are required to provide at least thirty (30) days’ notice before termination. If the tenant is over the age of sixty (60), the landlord will be required to supply twice that amount (NRS 40.251).