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Maryland Month-to-Month Lease Agreement | PDF

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A Maryland month-to-month lease agreement allows a tenant to rent on a monthly basis and renews every thirty (30) days by payment by the lessee on the due date. The landlord or tenant may choose to modify or void the agreement altogether by giving the other notice of at least sixty (60) days.

The landlord should view the tenant with the same regard as a standard one (1) year tenant as the legal exposure when it comes to eviction remains the same. It is highly recommended to review the tenant’s credentials through the rental application and accept at least one(1) month’s rent for the Security Deposit.

  • If the residential unit was built before 1978, it is federally required that the tenant be made aware of any lead paint that exists by having all parties authorize the disclosure form. After being signed, it must be attached to the lease.

Minimum Termination Notice

At a minimum, the landlord or tenant must give the other party sixty (60) days’ notice to terminate a month-to-month rental agreement (§8-402(c)(1)).