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New York Month-to-Month Rental Agreement | PDF

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A New York month-to-month lease is a real estate contract for shorter-term rentals that allow the property owner or lessee to modify or cancel the agreement at any time with at least one (1) month’s notice to the other party.
It is recommended that the landlord collects one month’s rent for the security deposit in case the tenant does not pay and if any damage is found on the premises. It is often a wise choice to demand that the tenant fill out a rental application to ensure they’re creditworthy and able to make their monthly payments.

If the housing unit was constructed prior to 1978, the lead-based paint disclosure is needed to inform the lessee of the presence of the toxic paint.

Minimum Termination Notice

Thirty (30) days. Termination of a month-to-month (at-will) tenancy must be preceded by a written notice delivered at least a month prior (NY Real Prop L § 228).