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Hawaii Month-to-Month Rental Agreement | PDF – MS Word

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A Hawaii month-to-month rental agreement allows a person to be able to rent residential space from a landlord on a monthly basis. This means that either party may issue a notice at any time to change or void the agreement (as long as the minimum termination notice period is adhered to). It is recommended that the landlord seek one (1) month’s security deposit and one (1) month’s rent in the chance there is property damage or the tenant does not pay their rent.

Minimum Termination Notice

  • Landlord’s Notice: 45 days
  • Tenant’s Notice: 28 days

Forty-five (45) days’ notice must be provided to the tenant if the landlord wishes to terminate the tenancy; twenty-eight (28) days’ written notice must be provided to the landlord if the tenant wishes to terminate tenancy (§ 521-71(a)+(b)).