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Missouri Month-to-Month Rental Agreement | PDF – MS Word

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A Missouri month-to-month rental agreement, also known as a “tenancy at will,” is when a tenant and landlord have come to terms over a rental arrangement that will renew every thirty days. The main difference between this real estate contract and a standard residential document is that there is no end date to this type of lease. Otherwise, all Missouri laws in reference to landlord and tenant rights remain the same, which is why the landlord should review the tenant’s credentials just the same as a long-term lease.


  • Federal Law – If the housing unit on the property was constructed prior to 1978, the lead-based paint disclosure form needs to be signed and attached to the agreement.

Minimum Termination Notice

State law mandates that at least one (1) month’s notice is given by landlords and tenants to terminate monthly rental agreements (§ 441.060).