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New Jersey Month-to-Month Lease Agreement | PDF – MS Word

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A New Jersey month-to-month rental agreement, or ‘tenancy-at-will’, is a residential lease with no end date. Instead, both parties can terminate the agreement by giving the other 30 days’ notice as required by the New Jersey Revised Statutes (§ 2A:18-56).

Otherwise, the agreement is the same as any other lease and must follow all State laws. It is recommended that all prospective tenants be reviewed after completing a rental application.

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure: If the housing unit was built prior to 1978, the lead-based paint disclosure must be forwarded and signed by the tenant prior to or at the lease signing.

Minimum Termination Notice

Thirty (30) days. The landlord as well as the tenant, in a month-to-month agreement, must give at least a month’s notice before terminating the lease agreement (NJ Rev Stat § 2A:18-56).