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Oregon Residential Lease Agreement | PDF

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A Oregon residential lease agreement binds a landlord to rent a residence to a tenant while receiving monthly rent. A standard lease is a fixed period that is commonly for 1-year. The responsibilities of each landlord and tenant will be entered into the agreement in regard to utilities and services. In addition, the rules for the property including pets, smoking, waterbeds, and any other terms or conditions will be included. The landlord should only authorize a lease after a sufficient credit and background check has been performed on the applying tenant.

Table of Contents

Forms (2)


Oregon Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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Oregon Housing Rental Assoc. Lease Agreement

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Security Deposit Laws

Maximum Amount ($) – There is no state statute that places a limit on the amount of money a landlord can demand for a security deposit.

Returning – The landlord must return to the tenant allowed pre-paid rent or security deposit within thirty-one (31) days of the termination of the lease (§ 90.300(13)).

Required Disclosures

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – In accordance with Federal law, all homes built prior to 1978 must include with their lease, a lead-based paint disclosure form.

Authorized Access/Representation – A landlord must disclose to a tenant the identity of any individual allowed to act on behalf of the landlord and any individual who has the authority to manage/enter the premises (§ 90.305(1)).

Carbon Monoxide Alarms Instructions (Guide) – If the property contains a carbon monoxide emitting appliance, the landlord must ensure the dwelling has at least one (1) carbon monoxide alarm and they must supply the operating instructions for said alarm with the rental agreement (§ 90.317).

Flood Plain – The landlord must notify the tenant if the property is located within a 100-year flood plain (§ 90.228).

Outstanding Notices/Pending Suits – If the property has four (4) or fewer units, the landlord is required to give notice to the tenant of pending suits and outstanding notices as defined in § 90.310(1).

Recycling – The landlord must provide instructions on how to recycle if the property is located within the boundaries of a city or county that has implemented a multi-family recycling service. Only for properties of five (5) or more units (§ 90.318).

Smoking Policy  – The landlord must include their smoking policy within the rental agreement (§ 90.220(4)).

Utility/Service Fees – If the tenant is to pay for a service or utility, and the payment directly benefit the landlord or other tenants, the landlord must disclose a list of said utilities and services at the commencement of the lease (§ 90.315(2)).

Rent Grace Period

A tenant is given a four (4) day grace period in which to pay their rent. The landlord is permitted to charge a late fee should the balance owed not be received within the grace period (§90.260).

Guides & Laws