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New Hampshire Residential Lease Agreement | PDF

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A New Hampshire residential lease agreement is a fixed-term lease between a landlord and tenant for the use and renting of property. Commonly for 1-year, both parties must abide by the lease’s terms and conditions until the end date. The landlord should always collect the credit information of any potential tenant before authorizing an agreement through a rental application. This will lessen the chance of a future eviction for the most common way a lease is broken which is non-payment of rent.

It is always recommended that a landlord collect a security deposit of at least one (1) month’s rent from the tenant in case of non-payment or damages made to the property.

New Hampshire Standard Lease Agreement

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Table of Contents

Security Deposit Laws

Maximum Amount – Cannot exceed one (1) month’s rent or one hundred dollars ($100), whichever is greater (RSA 540-A:6).

Returning – The deposit must be returned to the tenant within thirty (30) days of the termination of the lease unless the property was shared between the tenant and the landlord in which case the deposit must be returned within twenty (20) days (RSA 540-A:7).

Required Disclosures

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – If the property was constructed before the year 1978, a lead-based paint disclosure form must be included.

Move-in Checklist – The landlord must provide the tenant with a list of all repairs required on the property (RSA 540-A:6).

Security Deposit Receipt – The landlord must also provide a security deposit receipt indicating into what bank account the money will be deposited and held (RSA 540-A:6).

Rent Grace Period

There are no statutes that dictate grace periods in New Hampshire, nor are there any that dictate a late fee for unpaid rent. Both parties, the tenant and landlord, must adhere to the provisions laid out in the lease agreement.

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